A think-tank report called for greater clarity in the roles of regional and local bodies to ensure success of the housing and sustainable communities agenda.
Source: Ian Parker and Natalie Tarry (eds.), New Localism in Action: Housing and Sustainable Communities, New Local Government Network (020 7357 0051)
Links: Report (pdf) | NLGN press release
Date: 2004-Dec
The government published (alongside the 2004 Pre-Budget Report) a consultation document setting out proposals to involve the regions more in decision-making on regional transport, economic development and housing.
Source: Devolving Decision Making: A consultation on regional funding allocations, HM Treasury (020 7270 4558) | Pre-Budget Report 2004: Opportunity for All - The strength to take the long-term decisions for Britain, Cm 6408, HM Treasury, TSO (0870 600 5522) | House of Commons Hansard, Debate 2 December 2004, columns 781-804, TSO
Links: Report (pdf) | PBR report (pdf) | PBR report (pdf links) | Hansard | HMT press release
Date: 2004-Dec
A think-tank report called on local and central government to move urgently to ensure multi-level governance worked better in the regions. It said that a deeper examination was needed of major issues of accountability, finance and inter-dependency between different tiers of government.
Source: Emily Robinson, Living with Regions: Making multi-level governance work, New Local Government Network (020 7357 0051)
Links: Summary (pdf) | NLGN press release
Date: 2004-Dec
Proposals for an elected regional assembly were turned down by voters in the north-east region, in a referendum on regional government. The government said that an assembly would not be established in the region 'on this occasion', and scrapped plans for similar referendums in Yorkshire and the north-west region.
Source: Press release 5 November 2004, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (020 7944 3000) | House of Commons Hansard, Debate 8 November 2004, columns 587-607, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: ODPM press release | Hansard | LGA press release | CPRE press release | CBI press release | Guardian report (1) | Guardian report (2)
Date: 2004-Nov
A think-tank report described the barriers that might prevent the English regions from achieving their potential, and offered a series of recommendations designed to assist the drive for sustainable growth in every region.
Source: Tony Pilch (ed.), Towards a Modern Regional Policy, Smith Institute (020 7592 3618)
Links: Report (pdf) | Summary
Date: 2004-Oct
The government published new planning policy guidance on regional spatial strategies. It said that regional planning bodies should ensure their draft plans were integrated better with other plans and programmes to secure sustainable development. Campaigners attacked the new powers for 'unaccountable' regional planning bodies.
Source: Planning Policy Statement 11: Regional spatial strategies, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (0870 1226 236) | Press release 7 September 2004, Friends of the Earth (020 7490 1555)
Links: Statement 11 (pdf) | ODPM press release | FOE press release | CPRE press release
Date: 2004-Sep
The government began consultation on proposals to merge regional housing boards and regional planning bodies in England - effectively making regional assemblies responsible for preparing regional housing strategies.
Source: Housing and Planning in the Regions, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (0870 1226 236)
Links: Report | ODPM press release | CIH press release
Date: 2004-Sep
A report said that regional assemblies should maintain separate boards for planning and housing. This would ensure that housing and spatial planning each retained an explicit voice, and that needs arising from both sectors were debated openly rather than mediated within an organization.
Source: Intelligent Approaches to Housing: Achieving better integration in planning for housing, Chartered Institute of Housing (024 7685 1700), Local Government Association, and Royal Town Planning Institute
Links: Report (pdf) | CIH press release
Date: 2004-Sep
A report examined the potential impact of elected regional government structures in England.
Source: Lynne Humphrey, Andy Pike and Emma Pinkney, Making a Difference?: A policy assessment of elected regional assemblies in the English regions, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies/University of Newcastle upon Tyne (0191 222 8016)
Links: Report (pdf)
Date: 2004-Sep
A think-tank report said that public bodies in England s three northern regions were doing little to prepare themselves for the advent of elected regional assemblies.
Source: Warren Hatter and Kate Turney, Are We Ready for Regions?, New Local Government Network (020 7357 0051)
Links: Report (pdf) | NLGN press release
Date: 2004-Aug
The government published a draft Bill on the proposed powers and responsibilities of elected regional assemblies.
Source: Draft Regional Assemblies Bill: Policy Statement, Cm 6285, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report (pdf) | ODPM press release | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Jul
The government announced that it would delay the referendums for elected regional assemblies in the North West, and in Yorkshire and Humberside. It cited concerns about the security and robustness of postal voting. But referendums in the North East would go ahead, in November 2004. Campaigners called the delay a 'backwards step for democracy'.
Source: House of Commons Hansard, Debate 21 July 2004, columns 374-428, TSO (0870 600 5522) | House of Commons Hansard, Debate 22 July 2004, columns 501-515, TSO | Press release 22 July 2004, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (020 7944 3000) | Press release 22 July 2004, Centre for Public Services (0114 272 6683)
Links: Hansard21 July | Hansard 22 July | ODPM press release | HOC Library research paper (pdf) | CPS press release | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Jul
A report said that imposing elected regional assemblies on existing regional governance structures would exacerbate current problems in decision-making and accountability, and lead to an upward drift of functions from local to regional level.
Source: Towards Elected Assemblies in the English Regions: Where does local government fit in?, Local Government Association (020 7664 3000) and County Councils Network
Links: Report (pdf) | LGA press release | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Apr
A report argued that the functions of elected regional assemblies should be widened to include: dealing with planning and spatial strategies; allocating housing capital investment; transport powers over roads and public transport, including rail; economic development, job creation and business support; determining the regional skills strategy and leading its implementation, including the funding of adult learning; and rural issues such as agricultural support programmes, land management and forestry.
Source: Regions that Work, Local Government Information Unit (020 7554 2800) and Campaign for the English Regions
Links: Report (pdf) | LGIU press release | Guardian report
Date: 2004-Mar
The government announced that elected regional assemblies would be given powers to direct local authorities to refuse strategic planning applications that were not in the region's best interests.
Source: House of Commons Hansard, Written Ministerial Statement 12 February 2004, columns 82-83WS, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Hansard | ODPM press release
Date: 2004-Feb